State Report

The replies of the State to the LOIPR, together with a common core document, constitute the State report. No further written information is required from the State until the dialogue with the treaty body, as the practice of transmitting a list of issues following the receipt of the report of the State is eliminated. The constructive dialogue is then conducted based on the State report in reply to the LOIPR.

The submission of the State report determines the next steps of the reporting cycle; without the State Report, the reporting cycle is “blocked” until the submission.

Read our case study Iceland: Children providing inputs to a State party report to the CRC Committee (2021): EnglishFrançaisEspañol

Frequently Asked Questions About State Reports

1. When is my country due to report?

The exact deadline for the submission of a country report can be found at the beginning of the LOIPR adopted by the Committee for the country in question.

2. My country is late with its reporting. What can I do?

If the deadline for your country’s report has passed, you can contact government representatives, especially at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to remind them of it, ask them when they are planning to submit. You can stress that if the State report is submitted late, the next steps and the whole review will, consequently, be delayed.

3. The deadline for my country's report has not passed yet. Is there anything I should do at this stage?

Yes, you could contact government representatives, especially at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, know where they are at in their reporting process, remind them of the deadline and encourage them to hold national consultations with relevant actors to inform their report, if they have not done so already.

You can also develop a media strategy to make your country’s report known by the general public once it is submitted and trigger a national debate on the situation of children’s rights in the country.

4. Is the SRP ensuring better quality of State reports?

The SRP follows the recommendations listed in the 68/268 resolution, which include several requests for the OHCHR to support States parties in implementing their treaty obligations, whether they are reviewed under the SRP or the old procedure.

Through advisory services, technical assistance and capacity-building, the 68/268 resolution suggests that support from OHCHR to State parties relating to State reports should include:

  • providing direct assistance to States parties at the national level by building and developing institutional capacity for reporting to treaty bodies and strengthening technical knowledge through ad hoc training on reporting guidelines at the national level;
  • facilitating the sharing of best practices among States parties, such as improving coordination of reporting at the national level;
  • deploying a dedicated human rights capacity-building officer in every regional office of OHCHR, as required. Hence, there is not an explicit direct link between the SRP and better State report, the quality of which will continue to be dependent on the States’ capacity to monitor, collect data and report accordingly. OHCHR’s assistance and capacity building to States is key to improve to these processes, including by establishing or strengthening the National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up.

For NGOS and NHRIs

The preparation of a State report is a key entry point to lay the base for effective and long-term engagement in the reporting process. Participation in this stage does not exclude the possibility to submit alternative reports directly to the Committee.

  • Pressure your State to submit their report to the CRC in a timely manner.
  • Advocate to make sure the authorities engage relevant stakeholders in the drafting process.
  • Use this entry point to establish a dialogue with your government in view of making the CRC Reporting a constructive tool for change at national level.
  • Lack of awareness, capacity and coordination within Ministries and State Departments responsible for drafting the State report
  • Lack of political will to involve civil society in the preparation of State reports
  • Lack of communication and transparency about when State reports are likely to be prepared and submitted, limiting the possibility for early engagement in the process.

Why engage with the Reporting Cycle?


Children’s rights defenders, including children themselves, who engage in the reporting cycle, can:

Confidentially, raise their concerns and suggestions about the children’s rights situation in their country to a UN body that can make recommendations to their national government
Use their report and the reporting cycle to increase awareness about children’s rights issues in the media and the general public
Participate in the improvement of the children’s rights situation in their country
Establish working relations with new partners at national and international level
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