Adoption of List of issues Prior to reporting

The LOIPR is a public list of limited issues that the treaty body adopts based on a document review, including reports prepared by UNICEF and UN agencies, NGOs, children, NHRIs, Ombudspersons and other stakeholders. The LOIPR is therefore made by the Committee without using any information provided by the State beforehand.

The LOIPR is adopted by the Committee and sent to each State concerned right after its corresponding pre-session. The deadline for the State’s report in response to the LOIPR is specified in the LOIPR, usually 12 months later.

The LOIPR aims to help States in preparing reports that are focused on key priority areas and are shorter to follow the new words limit imposed by the GA resolution to all State reports, independently from the type of reporting procedure (31,800 words for initial reports, 21,200 words for subsequent periodic reports).

Frequently Asked Questions Adoption of the LOIPR

1. When and where is the list of issues published?

The LOIPR is usually published 2 to 3 weeks after the country pre-session on the Committee’s webpage, but there is no official timeline and it may take longer.

If it is still not online one month after the pre-session, you can contact the Secretariat of the Committee at to ask for an update.

Adults’ submissions should respect this word limit: 10’000 words for comprehensive report and 3’000 for thematic reports. These limits do not apply to children’s submissions, who can be of other formats (videos, drawings, artworks, etc.)

2. How is the CRC LOIPR structured?

The LOIPR are structured according to the Committee’s current clusters.

The LOIPR include:

✓ questions related to selected recommendations of previous Concluding Observations to the State. While some may be addressed more in general (i.e. what measures have been taken to implement recommendation No. X and what is the situation today?), for others, the Committee may ask more specific questions;

✓ recent developments in the State, including emerging issues;

✓ a standing question to allow the State to raise any other issue it may want to;

✓ questions on general and specific statistics (for the State to provide in annex to its report).

The Committee drafts the LOIPR based on the information provided by its Secretariat and other stakeholders, including children’s rights defenders and children.

3. An important issue is not included in the list of issues. What does that mean?

The Committee may decide to ask additional questions to the States during the session dialogue, even if these were not included in the LOIPR.

If an issue you think is important is not included in the LOIPR, this does not mean that it will not be raised by the Committee during its dialogue with the State at the session.

It does determine the content of the dialogue with the State or the concluding observations.

Why engage with the Reporting Cycle?


Children’s rights defenders, including children themselves, who engage in the reporting cycle, can:

Confidentially, raise their concerns and suggestions about the children’s rights situation in their country to a UN body that can make recommendations to their national government
Use their report and the reporting cycle to increase awareness about children’s rights issues in the media and the general public
Participate in the improvement of the children’s rights situation in their country
Establish working relations with new partners at national and international level
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