Roles of States, NGOs, NHRIs

Roles of States, NGOs, NHRIs

States, NGOs and NHRIs all participate in making sure that the CRC is implemented to work toward guaranteeing the rights of every child.  Monitoring and reporting on the progress made toward realising child rights and overcoming shortcomings is a regular process for all States that have ratified the CRC. 

Roles of States – art. 44:

Article 44 of the CRC gives States the obligation to assess and report on the measures they have taken to realise child rights at national level. States must submit reports to the Committee two years after the Convention comes into effect for the States, and thereafter, every five years, on the progress made in the enjoyment of child rights.

Roles of NGOs and NHRIs – art. 45:

Article 45 of the CRC gives NGOs and NHRIs a role in monitoring its implementation, including the right to participate in the Reporting process. It is extremely important for the Committee to receive specific, reliable and objective information from NGOs and NHRIs in order to make a comprehensive and independent assessment of the progress made and difficulties encountered in the implementation of the CRC. 

Why engage with the Reporting Cycle?


Children’s rights defenders, including children themselves, who engage in the reporting cycle, can:

Confidentially, raise their concerns and suggestions about the children’s rights situation in their country to a UN body that can make recommendations to their national government
Use their report and the reporting cycle to increase awareness about children’s rights issues in the media and the general public
Participate in the improvement of the children’s rights situation in their country
Establish working relations with new partners at national and international level
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